Endometriosis and Partnership

Endometriosis can significantly burden many couples, as the condition often brings limitations that affect their daily life together.  While this is a well-known aspect, a shortage of support services tailored to couples remains. Nevertheless, fostering a supportive and strengthening relationship can be immensely beneficial in coping with endometriosis.

So, what exactly is the role of a loving relationship when it comes to dealing with endometriosis? How can partners of individuals with endometriosis become more actively involved in treatment? And how can a relationship, already facing unique challenges due to a medical condition, be further fortified?

I aim to address these vital questions in this article and offer potential solutions.

Endometriosis: Psychological Well-being in a Relationship

Eine weibliche und eine männliche Hand vor dem Hintergrund eines Wanderweges.

Coping with the situation together is profitable for both partners.

A recent study specifically delved into the psychological well-being of individuals with endometriosis and their partners within the context of their romantic relationships [1]. This research explored how various relationship aspects can impact psychological well-being, particularly concerning endometriosis. For instance, being in a respectful and appreciative relationship characterized by love and open communication can significantly enhance one’s ability to manage stress associated with endometriosis. The same holds for the partner in the relationship. When the connection is balanced, it becomes easier for the partner to provide support to the individual with endometriosis.

Surprisingly, relatively few studies have involved the partners of individuals with endometriosis. Nevertheless, existing research strongly indicates that facing the challenges of endometriosis as a team can safeguard the psychological well-being of both individuals and empower those with endometriosis to navigate their condition better. Therefore, it is highly beneficial to seek medical help, for example, if you go to medical appointments, educational sessions, or therapies together as a couple rather than going alone.

Additionally, it is crucial to explore effective stress reduction methods together or individually to bolster the management of the condition in daily life. Engaging in meditation, regular nature walks, or journaling can benefit both partners. Seeking support through couples counseling or therapy can also be immensely helpful. It is essential to ensure that professionals providing guidance are knowledgeable about endometriosis and take the condition seriously.

Strengthening Your Relationship: Best Done Before Major Crisis

Another study on endometriosis and relationships has revealed that society significantly underestimates the condition’s impact on partners or spouses of individuals with endometriosis [2]. The unique challenges, such as limitations in sexual intimacy, emotional stress, depression, or the often daunting prospect of fertility issues, can place immense strain on a relationship. It is paramount in these circumstances to stand together as a couple. Instead of letting endometriosis drive a wedge between you, it can bring you closer together in the best-case scenario. To achieve this, it is essential to engage in respectful and ongoing communication about the condition and create big and small moments to navigate the challenges it presents. I have compiled various methods below to help you strengthen your relationship in your everyday life.

Perhaps you have also heard that couples counseling or therapy is often associated with crises. However, this form of relationship support is one of the best ways to fortify your bond as a couple and find effective strategies for dealing with endometriosis together – well before a significant crisis or potential separation arises.

Several factors contribute to a happy and balanced relationship, including:

  • Maintaining a healthy balance between closeness and personal space.
  • Nurturing respect and trust within the relationship.
  • Practicing mindful and open communication.
  • Establishing bonding routines and moments in your daily life.
  • Cultivating a loving and comfortable sexual connection.
  • Ensuring physical closeness and intimacy in everyday experiences.
  • Engaging in shared projects, hobbies, or favorite activities.

Of course, many more aspects contribute to a strong and fulfilling relationship, but the points above provide a solid foundation for a balanced partnership.

Endometriosis, Partnership, and Sexuality

Ein lesbisches Paar sitzt auf dem Bett, lacht und umarmt sich.

Endometriosis should not serve as a reason to avoid physical intimacy.

In both of the previously mentioned studies, the issue of sexuality in relationships affected by endometriosis emerged as one of the most crucial concerns. This is because insecurity, dissatisfaction, and the fear of relationship deterioration often increase when sexual needs are inadequately met or neglected. Many individuals with endometriosis encounter mild to severe difficulties in intimate relationships from physical and psychological factors. If you find yourself in this situation and feel it negatively impacts your relationship, please know that you are not alone. Unfortunately, experiencing pain during sex is a frequently reported symptom of endometriosis [3].

First and foremost, fostering open and honest communication within your relationship is of utmost importance. As a couple, discuss any limitations and collaboratively explore ways to reframe your sexuality. It is essential to understand that there are numerous paths to a fulfilling and happy sexual life. The key is to make a mutual decision to address and alleviate any pain during sex without resorting to abstaining from sex altogether. Our platform has assembled various modules and articles explicitly focusing on endometriosis and sexuality, which can offer valuable insights.

Sexuality forms a foundational aspect of a healthy relationship. The goal is not merely to engage in sex as frequently and regularly as possible but to ensure that both partners can derive pleasure from it and maintain open communication about their sexual experiences. If pain during sex is an issue, and it goes unaddressed, it can significantly disrupt the balance within your relationship. Open communication, whether as a couple or through couples counseling/ therapy, can strengthen your bond, fostering emotional and physical closeness.

Physical closeness and intimate connection are vital components of a loving relationship. You must both genuinely enjoy this intimacy rather than endure something that brings you discomfort or pain. The encouraging news is that sexual intimacy can be learned and evolved, and sexual desires may change throughout life. This means you can explore various approaches to experience a pain-free and fulfilling sexual life.

Conclusion: The Relationship as a Vital Anchor

Couples grappling with the additional challenges of endometriosis benefit significantly from strengthening rituals and fostering open communication in their daily lives. For instance, if you are experiencing significant pain, it can have a detrimental effect on your partner. Conversely, if your partner is unhappy about the impact of endometriosis on daily life, it can elevate your stress levels. Therefore, prioritizing the well-being of your relationship is of paramount importance. Your relationship is a crucial anchor, especially for you as someone with endometriosis.

When it comes to endometriosis and your relationship, it is particularly essential to navigate the challenges together and position endometriosis as a shared concern. By this, I mean that, as a couple, you can view endometriosis as an issue both of you are actively addressing. Even though you may be experiencing the symptoms and pain in your body, reframing endometriosis as a shared challenge can be relieving. In doing so, you both find yourselves in the same boat, equipped to confront the complexities of endometriosis as a united and resilient couple.

Author’s Note

The masculine and feminine forms employed in this text consistently refer to multiple individuals simultaneously. At the editor’s request, several designations have been omitted to enhance readability.


  1. Pereira MG, Ribeiro I, Ferreira H, Osório F, Nogueira-Silva C, Almeida AC. Psychological Morbidity in Endometriosis: A Couple’s Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(20):10598. Published 2021 Oct 10. doi:10.3390/ijerph182010598
  2. Schick M, Germeyer A, Böttcher B, et al. Partners matter: The psychosocial well-being of couples when dealing with endometriosis [published correction appears in Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2022 Jul 28;20(1):115]. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2022;20(1):86. Published 2022 May 28. doi:10.1186/s12955-022-01991-1
  3. Pluchino N, Wenger JM, Petignat P, et al. Sexual function in endometriosis patients and their partners: effect of the disease and consequences of treatment. Hum Reprod Update. 2016;22(6):762-774. doi:10.1093/humupd/dmw031

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