Effective Teas for Endometriosis

Tees bei Endometriose

Teas for endometriosis can be very effective – if they are suitable teas!

Natural remedies, such as herbal teas, can significantly alleviate discomfort and serve as a valuable component for managing endometriosis. It is essential to recognize that herbal teas offer more than just flavorful warmth. The critical question, however, is which teas are genuinely effective in addressing endometriosis symptoms.

Harnessing the Healing Power of Nature

One facet of natural medicine is phytotherapy, commonly known as herbal medicine. It delves not only into the therapeutic properties of medicinal herbs but also into the beneficial effects of various plant components found in our diets and the realization that these components can sometimes produce results similar to those of modern pharmaceuticals.

Remarkably, many of the drugs we consider “modern” today originate in humble medicinal herbs. For instance, well-known medications like aspirin (derived from acetylsalicylic acid found in willow bark), cardiac medications containing active compounds from foxglove, antimalarials based on quinine extracted from the cinchona tree, or opiates initially derived from the opium poppy, all stand as prominent examples of how plants have evolved into potent medicines.

Separating Fact from Fiction

Tees bei Endometriose

Not every tea is effective for endometriosis.

Many naturopathic recommendations are rooted in tradition and anecdotal knowledge, making it challenging for the average person to discern whether scientific studies have validated their effectiveness or are solely based on traditional experiences. Fortunately, small and large-scale studies have already been conducted on certain tea ingredients. The teas listed below, aimed at alleviating endometriosis symptoms, have undergone scientific scrutiny and have shown promise. While more research is still warranted in this field, we will inform you of any developments.

It is important to note that these teas should not replace treatment from an endometriosis center. Instead, they can serve as a valuable complement to ongoing therapy, contributing significantly to your overall well-being!

How Do Teas Work Against Endometriosis?

Primarily, the primary objective is to alleviate the discomfort associated with endometriosis. Consequently, teas recommended for endometriosis should ideally possess at least one of the following properties, which have been substantiated by scientific research:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antispasmodic
  • Analgesic
  • Inhibition of the growth of endometriosis lesions

When teas are brewed and steeped in water, the active ingredients are extracted from the plant materials, and their effectiveness correlates with the brew’s concentration. However, it is worth noting that specific active components, such as essential oils, may dissipate over time. Hence, there are instances where it may be beneficial to consume the raw plant parts without the tea preparation.

Recommended Teas for Managing Endometriosis

Our experience and scientific research show these teas are “beneficial for endometriosis.” Incorporating them into your routine can bring notable advantages to your well-being if you are a tea enthusiast.

Tees bei Endometriose

Green Tea

An animal experiment involving mice demonstrated the significant potential of a specific component found in green tea to notably slow the growth and reduce the overall size of endometriosis lesions after only two weeks [1]! Green tea, on its own, can be a helpful addition to your routine. Consider incorporating it as a base for refreshing iced tea, a coffee alternative for breakfast, or a delightfully frothy matcha option.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that can effectively reduce oxidative stress, which damages cells. One of its key components, gingerol, responsible for its pungent flavor, also inhibits an enzyme that becomes active in the body during pain. Remarkably, a study demonstrated that this effect is comparable to ibuprofen.

To maximize the benefits of ginger, using freshly prepared ginger rather than powdered forms is essential. Only in fresh ginger are the potent essential oils fully preserved! Whether you grate raw ginger or prepare it as a tea, the method of consumption does not significantly impact its effectiveness. For a delightful twist, candied ginger is also an option. Mixing ginger juice, available at drugstores or health food stores, with cold water creates a refreshing ginger lemonade. The more ginger, the better!

Tees bei Endometrose

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric, a somewhat unusual spice in Germany, harbors essential properties for wound healing, cell protection (antioxidant), and anti-inflammatory action, thanks to its key component, curcumin. Laboratory experiments have verified curcumin’s ability to reduce inflammatory markers and pro-inflammatory messengers in the peritoneal fluid, which lines the abdominal cavity and is relevant to endometriosis.

Moreover, curcumin counters undesired cell growth, attachment, and tissue invasion. An Austrian study is underway to delve deeper into turmeric’s effects on endometriosis.

Crucially, the body’s absorption of turmeric is substantially enhanced when paired with piperine from black pepper by up to 2000%. Therefore, it is advisable to use both spices together. Turmeric tea, often available in tea bags, may be infused with other herbs like cinnamon or vanilla, or you can steep the spice in hot water or milk. A teaspoon per cup is typically ideal. Remember to stir well before drinking and consume the residue. For more information on turmeric and its anti-inflammatory properties, explore “Anti-inflammatory Foods for Endometriosis.”


Cinnamon is a common ingredient in many spiced teas and is often used to flavor fruit teas, particularly during winter. Beyond its delightful taste, cinnamon has exhibited anti-inflammatory properties, is an antioxidant for cell protection, and shows promise in inhibiting the formation of new blood vessels. Notably, this anti-angiogenic property has mainly been explored in the context of cancer cells [7].

It is worth noting that not all types of cinnamon are equally healthy. Cassia cinnamon, for instance, contains high levels of coumarin, which can be harmful to the liver. Inexpensive cinnamon products may have concerning levels of coumarin, making them potentially dangerous  [9]. In contrast, although pricier and less commonly used in industrial food production, Ceylon cinnamon contains only trace amounts of coumarin, rendering it safe even in larger quantities. You can easily distinguish Ceylon cinnamon by its fine, fragile cinnamon sticks (as shown in the photo), while Cassia cinnamon sticks are thicker and coarser.

It is essential to be aware that some inexpensive spice teas are merely flavored with synthetic cinnamon, which lacks the beneficial effects of natural cinnamon. Hence, creating your tea blend or carefully inspecting the ingredient list is advisable. A spiced tea infused with a generous portion of real cinnamon, possibly combined with turmeric and ginger, makes a delightful winter beverage and pairs wonderfully with summer flavors, such as cherry, plum, or fig fruit teas.

Tees bei Endometriose

Lady’s Mantle

Teas and remedies featuring lady’s mantle (Alchemilla) have long been employed for addressing “women’s ailments.” An animal experiment [3] involving rats sought to bridge the gap between tradition and science in this regard. The results were promising, as endometriosis lesions and cysts decreased in size, and inflammation levels declined after administering various extracts derived from the lady’s mantle plant.

Lady’s mantle is a component of various specialized tea blends for women, and it is also available in dried form at pharmacies or health food stores. Furthermore, this herb grows abundantly throughout Europe, particularly in well-fertilized meadows, making it accessible for those who wish to collect the leaves themselves.


Dog Chamomile

In a study examining the effectiveness of Austrian dog chamomile (Anthemis austriaca) in managing endometriosis [2], animal experiments involving mice provided compelling evidence of its efficacy. The extract derived from this chamomile exhibited tangible benefits, significantly slowing the growth of endometriosis lesions and impeding tissue attachment while reducing inflammation levels in the abdominal fluid. The specific secondary plant compounds responsible for these effects are still under investigation.

Despite not being everyone’s top tea choice, chamomile tea has earned its reputation as an “allergy remedy” for good reason. Beyond its noteworthy outcomes in endometriosis, it boasts additional virtues, including anti-inflammatory properties and the ability to alleviate flatulence and menstrual cramps. So, despite being associated with a hospital setting, it deserves a more regular place in your tea rotation.

Tees bei Endometriose

Nettle Tea

Despite being somewhat of an acquired taste, nettle tea positively impacts endometriosis. In animal studies [4], extracts derived from nettles demonstrated the ability to diminish the size of existing endometriosis lesions and inhibit the formation of new ones. The somewhat “musty green” flavor of nettle tea can be easily brightened with a dash of grated lemon peel when served hot or lemon and orange juice when served cold. It is worth noting that citrus, besides enhancing the taste of nettle tea, is also recommended as part of a diet for managing endometriosis. For more information, you can explore “Fruits and Vegetables for Endometriosis.”


Sea Buckthorn and St. John’s Wort

Sea buckthorn thrives in Europe, particularly along the North and Baltic Sea coasts, where dried berries find their way into various tea blends. You can also find sea buckthorn pulp in health food stores, organic markets, and drugstores. This pulp, prized for its exceptionally high vitamin C content, is commonly used to bolster the immune system. Furthermore, the fresh and dried berries and their seeds yield sea buckthorn oil, traditionally used in cosmetics, yet its potential exceeds initial expectations.

St. John’s Wort is renowned for its historical application as a natural antidepressant. However, higher doses require a prescription due to their interactions with numerous medications, including some antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives such as the birth control pill. It is crucial to exercise caution when considering hormonal contraception and St. John’s wort consumption, as the herb is known to have caused unexpected pregnancies, hence the name “John.” Additionally, it is worth noting that St. John’s Wort can impact hormone therapy for endometriosis, necessitating a discussion with your gynecologist before considering its use.


A Turkish study [5] delved into the effectiveness of combining sea buckthorn and St. John’s wort oils in managing endometriosis. The result revealed that, after 27 days of feeding rats sea buckthorn and St. John’s wort oil, the endometriosis lesions significantly reduced in size compared to the lesions in rats that did not receive this combination. Additionally, inflammatory markers decreased, and tissue attachment was impeded.

Considering these findings, enjoying a fruit tea with sea buckthorn is a sensible choice. Even better, consume the berries after sipping the tea and chew them thoroughly to access the oil from the seeds. However, exercising caution and consulting a healthcare professional is essential when considering preparations involving St. John’s wort.

In Mongolia, fresh sea buckthorn berries are infused with water and ice during the summer to create a refreshing beverage. In the winter, sea buckthorn pulp is steeped in hot water, akin to tea. Furthermore, hot sea buckthorn juice is a traditional coastal drink in Germany.  As these examples illustrate, you do not always need to rely on tea to reap the benefits of these ingredients.


Snowball Bark Tea

Snowball (Viburnum opulus) is primarily cultivated as an ornamental shrub, celebrated for its snow-white, ball-shaped inflorescences during the summer and its bright red berries in the winter. However, it also boasts a rich tradition of medicinal use. Different parts of the snowball plant, including the bark, leaves, or berries, are employed depending on the region. In Central Europe, the bark is used in homeopathic remedies and teas to alleviate menstrual cramps and act as an antispasmodic and sedative.

A study [8] explored the effectiveness of snowball berries in managing endometriosis and discovered their potential to slow the growth of endometriosis lesions. While the extent to which a tea infusion of the bark can yield similar results remains unclear, it is noteworthy that the berries may have mild toxicity if harvested prematurely or improperly prepared. Therefore, opting for a bark tea might be a safer choice.

Tees bei Endometriose

Cat’s Claw

Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is native to tropical regions and has long been recognized as a traditional remedy. You can find cat’s claw tea in health food stores in Europe. The knowledge that secondary plant compounds from the plant, bearing an animal-like name, stimulate the immune system has been established for some time.

A dedicated study [6] sought to investigate the impact of a cat’s claw on endometriosis. In this study, 12 rats with endometriosis were administered a cat’s claw extract for two weeks, while another group of 12 other rats with endometriosis did not receive the extract. Upon examination at the end of this period, it was evident that the endometriosis lesions of the rats that had not received the cat’s claw had significantly increased. In contrast, those who had consumed the cat’s claw extract experienced a significant reduction in their endometriosis lesions.


Japanese Knotweed

Japanese knotweed is notably rich in the secondary plant compound resveratrol. Resveratrol possesses crucial antimicrobial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant effects, and the capacity to impede the formation of new tissue. This substance holds potential significance in cancer prevention and the prevention and treatment of endometriosis. Moreover, resveratrol belongs to the phytoestrogens group, positively affecting endometriosis and the overall female hormone balance.

Japanese knotweed is sometimes called “Itadori tea,” but it is increasingly considered invasive in domestic gardens. Hence, you can harvest the leaves, stems, roots, and shoots for tea preparation or immediate consumption. However, it is essential to note that the resveratrol content in tea is notably lower than found in fresh vegetables. For more insights on resveratrol, you can explore “How Resveratrol Works for Endometriosis.”



Ginseng, originating from Asia, is renowned for its roots that can be infused into tea or served as a tonic. Traditionally, ginseng tea has been consumed to enhance memory, but research involving rats [3] indicates that ginseng roots also exhibit effectiveness in managing endometriosis. Ginseng boasts a range of attributes, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immune-boosting effects, in addition to its capacity to impede the growth of endometriosis lesions and prevent the attachment of new tissue.

Knowing that an active ingredient from ginseng root has blood-thinning properties is essential. Consequently, it is advisable to refrain from consuming ginseng tea during menstruation or immediately following surgery.



With the right ingredients, teas can be a helpful supplement for endometriosis.

Many domestic ingredients have garnered recognition in studies for their efficacy in addressing endometriosis. Some of these elements have been passed down through generations in their countries of origin, where they are incorporated into unique tea blends to alleviate menstrual cramps and other women’s ailments. Meanwhile, others traditionally serve different purposes, like sea buckthorn, which is primarily used to fend off colds.

The horizon holds promise as more and more plants are being explored for their potential to combat endometriosis. Consequently, the roster of ingredients for teas geared toward managing endometriosis is expected to expand. While not every tea preparation might be palatable, creative combinations can yield delicious beverages, such as pairing nettles with citrus.

Importantly, these mentioned plants are not confined to tea alone; they can be integrated into smoothies and salads or used as spices to ease endometriosis symptoms effectively.

So, why not explore these ingredients’ versatility and try a few of them?


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