

Your Companion to better Well-Being with Endometriosis

In endometriosis, the tissue that resembles the lining of the uterus grows outside it, resulting in discomfort.

The tissue cells behave like the endometrium inside the uterus, growing and bleeding with the monthly cycle.
This can cause inflammation, cysts, and adhesions to the affected area or organ, leading to significant pain in some cases. Endometriosis can also lead to decreased fertility or even infertility.

Detailed information about the disease, its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options can be found here:

The Endo-App is an evidence-based health app designed to support you in improving your well-being and life quality with endometriosis and/or adenomyosis.

Recognizing that endometriosis is a multifaceted and chronic condition with no “one-size-fits-all” solution. We tailored the Endo-App to cater to your unique needs and created a companion for you – always by your side and readily accessible.

Drawing from a multimodal therapy approach, the Endo-App guides you through various strategies to improve symptoms related to endometriosis, empowering you to reclaim control over your well-being!

Developed by Experts
Always at Hand
Individually tailored to you
Highest Data Security

What you get with the Endo-App

The Endo-App gathers important features to promote your well-being:


Stay on track with a highly specialized (Endo-)Diary to note detailed symptoms, events, influencing factors, and treatment records.


Become an expert with your individual challenges through our Learning-Modules from different disciplines. In doing so, you will learn to recognize the connections between your symptoms and your actionable choices in everyday life.

Interactive Exercises

Improve your well-being and reduce symptoms through varied and interactive exercises.


Start the day with a plan! Based on your documented Diary entries, the Endo-App creates an individual Endo-Plan for you every day.


Discover what really works for you by utilizing intelligent valuations of your Exercise assessments and Endo-Diary. Through this, you will identify the exercises and methods that genuinely benefit you.


Don’t be alone in times of need: Create a personalized SOS-Plan to quickly access your most helpful exercises, reminders, emergency lists, and more when the pain reaches its peak.

Download the Endo-App from your App Store

Download the Endo-App from your App Store

What our Users say:

Download the Endo-App from your App Store

Download the Endo-App from your App Store

Here is how the Endo-App helps you:

Log symptoms and influencing factors

Improve your self-management through expert learning content

Let us guide you through your individual Endo-Plan

Interactive Exercises
Reduce symptoms through interactive exercises

Discover what really works for you through intelligent evaluations

Create and use your individual SOS-Plan


The Endo-App is an evidence based health app that is desinged to support you in improving your well-being and life-quality with endometriosis and/or adenomyosis.

As endometriosis is a multifaceted and chronic disease, there is no “all-fits-one”-solution. We take this into account! With the Endo-App we created an individualizable companion for you – always with you and ready to hand.

Based on a multimodal therapy approach, the Endo-App guides you through various building blocks of symptom improvement for endometriosis and enables you to take your well-being back into your own hands!

Endometriosis is a complex an chronic health issue. Unfortunately, there is no „all-fits-one“-solution for everybody. This is why the Endo-App basis on an individualizable and multimodal therapy appraoch.

And this is how the multimodal approach works in the app:

Observe. Keep on track by documenting your symptoms, events, influencing factors and treatments in a highly sepcialized Endo-Diary.

Understand. Find out what really helps you and become an expert for your specific challenges through intelligent Diary-Evalutations. Based on this, the Endo-App suggests you with revelant and scientifically based Learning-Modules from different disciplines, e.g. psychology, nutritional science and physiotherapy. In this way, you become more aware of interrelationships and possible courses of action.

Therapize. Don’t be alone with your symptoms and challenges! Based on the Diary-Evaluations, the Endo-App creates an Endo-Plan tailored to you that accompanies you in your everyday life. It includes varied Learning-Modules and interactive Exercises. In addition, you can create an individual SOS-Plan for pain peaks and use your evaluations for consultations with your doctor.

Yes, there is!
In order to be approved as an officially certified medical device in Germany, we conducted (and continue to conduct) two studies. The results of the studies were unequivocal: the quality of life of the Endo-App users improved significantly during a 12-week intervention period. Significant and clinically relevant changes in the various study outcomes were seen in the group using the Endo-App.

Data protection is of course particularly important to us. Data protection was taken into account at every step of the development (privacy-by-design).

However, data protection and IT security are always a hot topic for us and we always keep our security measures up to date.

In addition to complying with legal standards, we also voluntarily operate a data protection and information security management system (ISMS), which is aligned with ISO27001.

A penetration test by a Certified Ethical Hacker confirms the security of the Endo-App.

It’s easy: You can download the Endo-App from an app store (e.g. Google Store or Apple Store).

You can easily contact us by emailing [email protected]. We will respond to your request within 48 hours.


The Endo-App is an evidence-based health app designed to support you in improving your well-being and life quality with endometriosis and/or adenomyosis.

Recognizing that endometriosis is a multifaceted and chronic condition with no “one-size-fits-all” solution. We tailored the Endo-App to cater to your unique needs and created a companion for you – always by your side and readily accessible.

Drawing from a multimodal therapy approach, the Endo-App guides you through various strategies to improve symptoms related to endometriosis, empowering you to reclaim control over your well-being!

Endometriosis is a complex and chronic health issue. Unfortunately, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution for everyone. That is why the Endo-App is built on an individualized and multimodal therapy approach.

And this is how the multimodal approach works in the app:

Observe. Stay on track by documenting your symptoms, events, influencing factors, and treatments in a highly specialized Endo-Diary.

Understand. Discover what really works for you and become an expert for your specific challenges through intelligent Diary-Evalutations. Drawing from this, the Endo-App offers relevant and scientifically based Learning-Modules from various disciplines, e.g., psychology, nutritional science, and physiotherapy. This way, you develop a deeper awareness of interrelationships and possible courses of action.

Therapize. Don’t be alone with your symptoms and challenges! Based on the Diary-Evaluations, the Endo-App creates an Endo-Plan tailored to you that accompanies you in your everyday life. It includes varied Learning-Modules and interactive Exercises. In addition, you can create an individual SOS-Plan for times of intense pain and use your evaluations for consultations with your doctor.

Yes, there is!
In order to be approved as an officially certified medical device in Germany, we conducted (and continue to conduct) two studies. The results of the studies were unequivocal: during a 12-week intervention period, the quality of life of the Endo-App users showed significant improvements. The group using the Endo-App experienced substantial and clinically relevant changes in various study outcomes.

Data protection is a top priority for us, and we have considered it at every stage of development (following the privacy-by-design approach).

We continuously keep our security measures up to date, as data protection and IT security are always crucial concerns for us.

In addition to complying with legal standards, we also voluntarily operate a data protection and information security management system (ISMS), aligned with ISO27001.

Furthermore, the security of the Endo-App has been confirmed by a penetration test conducted by a Certified Ethical Hacker.

It’s easy: You can download the Endo-App from your preferred app store (e.g., Google Store or Apple App Store).

You can easily contact us by emailing [email protected]. We will respond to your inquiry within 48 hours.

Endometriosis Blog

Explore our blog for interesting articles about endometriosis. Discover the causes, symptoms, latest studies, and treatment options related to this condition.

Frau sitzt im Bett und hält mit schmerzverzerrtem Gesicht beide Hände auf ihren Bauch
Frau sitzt im Bett und hält mit schmerzverzerrtem Gesicht beide Hände auf ihren Bauch


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