Kategorien: Testimonials

Pre-Surgery Considerations: What Should I Keep in Mind?

Today, we will focus on the organizational elements that precede a laparoscopy. Particularly for those approaching their initial operation, a cascade of thoughts, concerns, and questions often arise. We aim to address them today.

To commence, we will delve into the laparoscopy procedure based on the insights of our expert, Dr. Nadine Rohloff, who operates daily in an endometriosis center. It is important to note that procedural nuances might vary among practitioners and facilities.

Whether in an endometriosis center or other medical facilities, the journey towards surgery does not directly lead to the operating room. Instead, an initial consultation takes place. During this crucial meeting, the doctor who would potentially perform your operation thoroughly discusses your condition. Beginning with a medical history assessment, they aim to understand your experiences and symptoms. Subsequently, a gynecological examination follows, leading to a dialogue about available options and the necessity of a laparoscopy.

If surgery is advised in your case, the following conversation delves into the operation itself. This entails a comprehensive briefing on the surgical procedure, its intricacies, and potential risks. While this discussion may occur during the first appointment, it could also happen in later interactions, even involving the anesthetist.

Suppose distance poses a challenge to accessing the endometriosis center, and surgery is highly probable. In that case, it is wise to inquire about consolidating the explanatory talk within the initial consultation, thus eliminating an additional trip.

For legal compliance, the consultation should occur at least 24 hours before the planned surgery, with a recommended gap of 3 to 4 weeks before the surgical date.

However, do note that this does not apply to emergency surgeries.

The consultation encompasses crucial insights into pre-laparoscopy considerations: the procedure invariably occurs under general anesthesia, necessitating the introduction of gas into the abdomen for effective execution. This mandates complete abdominal relaxation.

Furthermore, a fasting period of 12 hours before the surgery is mandated.

Patients are often administered a laxative. This step is pivotal as an emptier bowel reduces interference during surgery, minimizes the potential for obstructions, and mitigates the risk of unintended harm.

Typically, on the day of your surgery, you will settle into your ward room in the morning. If you desire, a calming tablet may be offered. Two hours before the operation, refraining from drinking is generally advised.

In case of circulatory problems, thirst, or blood sugar issues (diabetes), rest assured that appropriate infusions are available. Reach out directly to the hospital staff in such instances.

Subsequently, you will be guided to the operating room, where the staff will introduce themselves and administer the anesthesia.

Remember to inform your loved ones that there might be a delay in communicating with them or returning to your room post-surgery. Surgical duration can range from 45 minutes to several hours, contingent on the number of identified foci during abdominal endoscopy.

After surgery, you will be transferred to the recovery room, awaiting the transport service to return you to your room.

It is important to note that this transition might prolong your return to the ward.

In essence, this outlines the basic organizational flow during a surgical procedure.

By the way, our forthcoming article will provide insights into considerations post laparoscopy.

Have you undergone surgery and found the experience to differ from what is described here?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Dr. med. Nadine Rohloff

After my studies of human medicine WWU Münster, I worked in the endometriosis center of the gynecological clinic at the University Hospital Münster until 2018. At Endo App, I take care of the medical and scientific management. Expertise and individuality according to scientific standards is the be-all and end-all for endometriosis - in the endometriosis center and also at home for self-management.

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Dr. med. Nadine Rohloff

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